
Saturday, May 7, 2011

Local Matters

CLOCKS. – Another Installment of clocks just received and for sale low for cash, at Billon’s, No. 10 Le Claire Row.

HOME TO LET. – Col. Eads advertises to-day a beautiful piece of property near Le Claire to let.  It contains a thriving orchard, &c., and is a delightful summer abode.

LUMBER. – A farmer from Clinton county, who came in a day or two ago, says he met sixty teams loaded with lumber going from this city.  Never was such a business done in this article here as during the past winter; and as the sleighing still continues good, we may expect considerable sales yet.

DRY GOODS. – Mr. A. Strauss, successor to Strauss & Billstein, is East at present, where he is buying a large stock of spring and summer goods, to be offered for sale at his new store, No. 26 Le Claire Row, were he would be glad to have the friends and patrons of the old firm call and see him.

FOR COLORADO TERRITORY.  Three teams passed through town yesterday on their way to Pike’s Peak.  They were from the North part of the State.  We should not be surprised to hear of a very extensive emigration to that land of promise in the coming summer. – We understand that Mr. Strong Burnell and family leave for the mountains next week.

ELECTION IN LE CLAIRE. – The election in the Republic at the head of the rapids occurs to-day.  A Union ticket is in nomination, headed by Dr. Gamble, for Mayor, Dr. White for recorder, and P. Gaffrey, for Treasurer.  The partisan Democrats urn John W. Arnold for Mayor and John F. Newman for Treasurer.

FIRE AT PRINCETON. – A destructive fire occurred at Princeton, in this county, on Thursday evening about 11 o’clock.  Three stores, in the same block with the Princeton House, were destroyed.  One was occupied by Pope and Chamberlain; the names of other suffers we have not heard.  The origin of the fire is unknown.

ATLANTIC MONTHLY. – The March number of this popular magazine has arrived, and we presume may be found at our bookstores.  It contains a continuation of Agassiz’ popular series, Birdofreedom Sawins, Esq., and a number of new papers, among which on “Concerning the Sorrows of Childhood,” which, without even glancing at, we are safe in pronouncing a capital article.

ICE. – The season, which has been extremely favorable for putting up ice, has been well improved by the dealers in that commodity Messrs. Kuehl, Altman, and Peck.  Between three and four thousand tons have been put away of beautiful ice, some of it two feet thick and clear as crystal.  This amount ought to keep us comfortable during the sweltering days of summer, being over 500 pounds per each inhabitant of the city.

GARDEN AND OTHER SEEDS. – Mr. Gifford has lately received from the Patent Office a small lot of seeds.  The packages are not very large, but sufficient to give some of our citizens a chance to try them, in order to ascertain their worth.  At the meeting of the Agricultural Society, to-day, it is proposed to hold them for distribution among those who will see to it that they are planted.  Cucumber, beet, onion, carrot, spinach, turnip, cabbage, squash, and other seeds comprise the lot for the garden.  A dozen packages of dwarf Chinese sugar cane seed will also be on hand.  Also, a few specimens of Georgian cotton seed.

WIFE ABUSING. – Third street is a very respectable street, and very respectable people live and do business in it, as every body knows. – But there is one sad exception.  A man who both lives and does business in it, has a knack of getting drunk every few days, and when in that condition indulges in the muscular exercise of beating his wife, so that she is hardly ever without some mark of his overpowering affection.  Yesterday he cut a gash in her face under the eye, in one of his drunken bouts.  His wife has released him from durance when he has been arrested for drunkenness and brutality, and this is the treatment the rum-friend prompts him to visit on his wife.  We need an inebriate asylum for such as he; where he could be benefitted, and by means of which those dependent on him could be saved from his ill treatment.

PREMIUM LIST. – At 10 o’clock this forenoon the directors of the Scott County Agricultural Society meet at the Court House, for the purpose of making out the premium list for the next Fair.  If all those directly interested in this matter will meet with them the building would scarcely contain the crowd, and we might add, there would be less fault finding afterwards.  The Directors wish particularly that those who have any suggestions to offer would make it convenient to call at the Court House at the hour indicated.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Saturday Morning, March 1, 1862, p. 1

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