
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Southern News


A flag of truce to-day took over fifty people to Craney Island.

We have the following Southern news:

A meeting of the cotton and tobacco planters took place at Richmond on Wednesday evening, to take into consideration the voluntary destruction of the cotton and tobacco crops, in view of the fact that the efforts of the enemy were mainly directed towards robbing the South of the accumulation of these two great staples.  A number of speeches were made, and a committee was appointed to prepare business for an adjourned meeting this evening.

In Congress, on Wednesday, Senator Sims of Ky., offered some resolutions, declaring that the people of the Confederate states will to the last extremity maintain and defend their right to self government and the government established by them, and to this end will pledge their last man and last dollar for the prosecution of the war until their independence is acknowledged; and will submit to any sacrifice and endure any trial, however severe, and firmly relying on the justice of their cause and humbly trusting in the Providence of God, will maintain their position before the world and high heaven, while they have a voice to raise or  an arm to defend.  The resolutions were referred to the committee on military affairs.

A resolution was offered providing for compensation by the government, for cotton and tobacco burned to prevent their falling into the hands of the United States.

The Raleigh Register, of the 26th inst., says that two men were brought to this city on Monday as prisoners, on a charge of having piloted the Yankees to Roanoke Island.  They were committed to jail.

The same paper in an editorial begins by saying that it would be criminal as well as idle to deny that the present state is the most gloomy period that the South has witnessed since the commencement of the war, and goes on in an earnest manner to call on the people to stand by their country, and fight to the last.

All the prisoners taken at Roanoke have been released on parole.  Quite a number of them arrived at Raleigh on Monday, and they state that one hundred and fifty were left at Weldon, to come on Tuesday.

Five regiments of volunteers for the war are wanted to fill up the quota of North Carolina, and Gov. Clark has issued a proclamation appealing to the patriotism of the citizens of the State to fill up these regiments.

The Norfolk Day Book of yesterday has the following telegraph:

RICHMOND, Feb. 26.

The Lynchburg Republican has a special dispatch from Bristol, Tenn., stating that the enemy occupied Nashville on Sunday.

The number of confederate prisoners taken at fort Donelson is about 7,000.  The number killed was 500, and wounded 1500.  The admitted loss of the Federals is from 6,000 to 10,000 killed and wounded.  Gen. Floyd has saved all his command, except the 20th Mississippi regiment and the Grays and Jackson’s battery, which were taken.

RICHMOND, Feb. 27.

Schleiss’s new and extensive cotton and woolen factory was burnt on Tuesday night.  The loss is heavy.  The cotton factories at Columbus and Augusta have temporarily suspended, in consequence of material injury to their canals by the recent freshet.

AUGUSTA, Feb. 26.

The Savannah Republican, of this morning, says that the communications with Fort Pulaski has been effectually closed by the Federals who have erected three batteries of heavy guns.

MEMPHIS, Feb. 24.

Our latest advices from Nashville state that the federal troops have not yet occupied the city.

The scouts of Gen. Buell’s army have appeared at the north side of the Cumberland river and it is supposed their appearance is preparatory to an early advance of the main column.

Generals Price and McCullough [sic] are both preparing for battle.  The former is at the side of Fayetteville and the latter is at Boston Mountain with a force of cavalry.

It is reported that 9 federal gunboats were seen on Sunday at Mayfield and 15 transports.  No immediate action was expected.

MEMPHIS, Feb. 25.

Late advices from Knoxville, State that the Confederates at Cumberland Gap expect an early engagement.  The Federals are frequently in sight.


A portion of the bridge which connected the island on which the south side depot is situated with the north Virginia and Tennessee R. R. depot, was destroyed yesterday, by coals falling from the locomotive.  Two spans were burnt, which will prevent the running of the south side cars into the city.

NEW YORK, Feb, 27.

The Post publishes extracts of a letter from Richmond, dated, over a month since, from a person still a resident of the South and with excellent opportunities of knowledge.  He says the rebel army on paper is 400,000, but in the field not quite 200,000, and part of them indifferently armed.  He says the rebel army on the whole line of the Potomac is only about 69,000, and thinks the Southern troops whose term of enlistment expires on the 1st of May, will not reenlist if they can possibly avoid it.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Saturday Morning, March 1, 1862, p. 1

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