
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

From the 11th Regiment

FULTON, Mo., Feb. 25, 1862.

EDITOR OF THE GAZETTE:– Dear Sir;  The report in my last, that both the men mortally shot were dead was incorrect.  Both were reported dead on the 16th, so it was for a time believed, but, Mr. Williams is still living, and it is thought he may recover.

I should have made the correction at an earlier day, except that I have been a week on my back, from a sever attack of pleura-pneumonia.  I am better, but not able to leave my room.

The two men above named, Overton and Williams, are said to have exchanged very affecting notes of penitence and mutual forgiveness, before the former left the world.  They are said to be firm friends – their differences being of a temporary nature, and the result of misunderstanding.  How much more desirable is that state of society found in New England, Iowa and elsewhere at [the] North, where little differences among friends can be settled without resort to powder and balls.  How sad that state of morals, where even Christianity tolerates not only the carrying of deadly weapons, but the shooting down of a fellow being for very slight offences.  In this as in a thousand other ways does slavery show its blighting effect.  One must see to know – and then he cannot describe how fearful is the influence of this system in crushing out all that is good and true in humanity and even in religion.  Nothing good can ever flourish at least, where slavery exists.  Everybody seems conscious of this, and everybody who has slaves, hugs the system as the dearest part of his soul.

Feb. 26.  The small-pox is sadly on the increase among our soldiers.  Four new cases yesterday.  It is mostly of a mild form, and only two as yet have died.

Since I have been confined we have lost two men, Doran, of Co. F, and Vaun of Co. A – making in all some 33.

We know of no prospects of moving.  The papers locate us, as also several other regiments, in almost every part of the south and west.  But friends at home may be assured that the two detachments of the 11th Iowa are, the one at Fulton and the other at California, Missouri.



– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Wednesday Morning, March 5, 1862, p. 2

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