
Thursday, June 23, 2011

From The Eighth Iowa Regiment

SEDALIA, Mo., Feb. 25, 1862.

TO THE EDITOR OF THE DAVENPORT GAZETTE:  While many of our friends and neighbors whose good fortune it has been to be connected with regiments more favored than ours, have been doing honor to their State by their gallantry and veteran bravery at Belmont and Forts Henry and Donelson, we have been discharging our duty in guarding this post.  This duty, though not so exciting so desirable as more active service, is of imperative necessity to the States; so that while no halo of glory from victories ever hangs around our regiment, yet we find solace in the fact, that though the service we are rendering is less distinguished and brilliant that is our choice, still it is an absolutely necessary service.  But even with this fact in our minds, when we read of the exploits of our brother regiments, and with sincerest joy rejoice in their valor and success, we cannot but wish, please Gen. Halleck, that we were among them.

Camp life at a post is very much of a sameness – one day in camp bears a striking similarity to another; so much so, that one cannot remember the days of the week without recurring to the almanac.  This failing of memory is peculiarly prevalent with respect to Sunday – reveille, company drill, battalion drill; dress parade, tattoo and taps, are the regular daily programme.  Occasionally something occurs to disarrange this clock work-like regularity; for instance,


Several scouting parties, of which the Iowa 8th or companies of it, usually formed a part, have been sent out into the adjoining counties.  Our boys like these excursions very much.  They afford excitement and change, and they usually have the satisfaction of quartering at night upon some notorious secesh who is well known to the guide.  The most successful scouting party in which we have participated returned to camp early on Monday morning, Feb. 17th.  The scout consisted of three companies 1st Iowa Cavalry, under Capt. Thompson, who had command of the expedition, and companies G and F 8th Iowa Infantry, under command of Capt. Stubbs.  The scout left Sedalia Saturday afternoon, marched all night, and before daylight reached Warsaw.  They were in pursuit of a battalion of 500 rebels who were en route for Price’s army.  The main body of the rebels had crossed the Osage the evening before our troops arrived.  The officers had remained on this side at the house of Judge Wright, expecting to cross and join the battalion next morning.  But

“The best laid schemes of mice and men
Gang aft aglee.”

The fact that rebel officers were in Judge Wright’s house was communicated to the officer commanding the expedition.  He immediately placed a guard about the house and the first thing the rebel officers knew of the move was a request from the proper authority, that they deliver over their side arms.  The prisoners taken, were Brig. Gen. Price, son of the “old man,” Maj. Gen. Price, the hope and life of secession in this State; Col. Dorsey, Maj. Cross, Surgeon General of the rebel army in Mo., and a staff officer, of Maj. Gen. Price; Capt. Innis, and a dozen or more less distinguished individuals, commonly called privates. – The daughter of Judge Wright, who still retains her dislike to the “Federals,” seemed quite chagrined at this affair, and especially that Brig. Gen. Price should be captured in her father’s house.  She requested the officer who had the Brig. Gen’s. side arms, to give her one of the pistols.  He asked what she wished of it.  Her reply was , “to shoot you.”  Thus much for Missouri feminine chivalry!

This capture all things considered is one of the most important that has been made in this State.  The officers taken are high in rank and influence, and beside, by their timely capture, Maj. Gen. Price has in all probability lost a battalion, who might have rendered him efficient service had they reached the main army.  The honor of this capture belongs jointly to the 1st Iowa cavalry and the 8th Iowa infantry.  I see in a notice of the affair, in the “Missouri Democrat,” justice is done Capt. Stubbs, but unfortunately he is reported in print as belonging to the 6th Iowa.  I have heard too that the same mistake has been made by some of the Iowa papers – perhaps taken from the “Democrat.”  It was the 8th Iowa infantry who were on hand this time.


I presume you have heard through other sources, that various regiments which were here and hereabout, have been ordered away – mostly South.  The force now here is composed of the 8th Iowa infantry, 1st battalion, 1st Iowa cavalry and two sections of the 1st Missouri artillery.  From present appearances this is likely to be the force at Sedalia for some time to come.

This is an important post which must be held, and if we were removed some other troops would have to take the position immediately.  We would be very glad to give favorable position here to any regiment Gen. Halleck may choose to send and with his permission, hasten down to Fort Donelson, Nashville or any other place where there is a prospect of fighting.


Col. Fred. Steele, late of the 8th Iowa, has been appointed Brigadier General of volunteers.  His promotion caused a vacancy in our field officers.  Lieut. Col. Geddes, who has been in command of the regiment ever since we entered the field, and who has shown himself a gentleman and every inch a thorough and experienced soldier was elected Colonel by acclamation; Major Ferguson, who has always shown himself equal to every occasion, was unanimously elected Lieut. Colonel; and Capt. Joseph Andrews, of Co. F, whose well disciplined company proves him an able officer, was elected Major.  The names of these officers have been forwarded to the Governor of Iowa, and I understand must meet his approval; so I suppose the commissions will soon be forthcoming.  It would be easy to say much in praise of these officers, to point to many characteristics of each, which give proof of energy and efficiency, but in their unanimous election to their respective offices they have received from those best qualified to judge a higher testimonial of confidence and esteem for them, as men and soldiers, than any mere eulogium could express.


Since Col. Geddis [sic] has been in command of this post, our regiment has obtained a full compliment of new “Sibley” tents. – These tents are each provided with a small stove, which warms it very comfortably.  In some of the tents, a small cooking stove, purchased by the “mess” at a trifling expense per man, takes the place of the stoves furnished by the Government, and is very convenient for cooking purposes.  In the tents thus furnished, the boys, to describe their condition in their own language, “live at home.”  In one of my turns through the new camp, I came upon a mess at supper.  I saw fritters and crullers in their rude cupboard, made by some of the boys, and I know by experiment that the crullers were not unworthy the skill of an experienced Hawkeye house-keeper.

The two lost companies, E and K, which for near three months were on de-tached service, and attached to Jennison’s brigade, have returned.  They do not seem to be very favorably impressed with “Jayhawking,” and are as glad to return to their regiment as we are to receive them.  We have now our full compliment of companies, and make a very respectable appearance on dress parade.

On the new camping ground a tall pole has been raised, and from its top floats the glorious “stars and stripes.”  Our secesh neighbors for miles around can look at it, as in obedience to the morning or evening breeze it spreads out its ample folds, symboling prosperity and liberty to all who will return under its shadow.


The change in the force stationed at this post has occasioned a corresponding change in the hospital arrangements.  The sick belonging to the regiments ordered away have been taken to St. Louis.  This left room in the post hospital for the sick of the command remaining at this post.  Consequently our regimental hospital was closed, and our sick transferred to the post hospital.  In the mean time, Dr. Bordie, “Surgeon of the fifth division of the army of the Missouri,” received the information that his nomination had not been confirmed by Congress; this sent him back to private life.  An order came from Gen. Halleck appointing Surgeon Irwin, of the 8th Iowa, to the charge of the post hospital.  Surgeon I. entered upon the duties of his new position with his accustomed energy and promptness.  He selected for steward, warden, nurses &c., men from our regiment, who had been tried and were found to be qualified for the positions.  We now have in good working order a well arranged, well ventilated and well furnished hospital, one which we would not be ashamed for any of our Iowa friends to visit, containing an upper and lower ward, dispensary, dining room, kitchen, convalescent room, &c.  There is also a room off the dining room furnished with a stove, which is used as a chapel.  Our chaplain preaches there Sabbath morning, and a social prayer meeting is held in the evening.  Those of the citizens who choose to attend are cordially welcomed at either or both services.

The health of our regiment is improving.  We have fewer cases of typhoid fever and pneumonia, and the few bad cases we have are treated more successfully, as we can now make our patients more comfortable and give them proper attention.  We can report fit for duty about 750 men, all of whom would be glad to illustrate their fitness for active service by engaging in the impending battle at Nashville.  It affords me great pleasure to be able to make this favorable statement.  Our regiment has suffered severely from disease.  This suffering was made known to our friends in Iowa.  They kindly sent us supplies when we most needed them, and now we are reaping the fruits of their kindness.  We are to-day a very respectable regiment in numbers and physical strength and courage, and are still recruiting from the hospital.  Last evening Dr. Hoffmeister, assistant surgeon, vice P. B. Clark resigned, arrived and this morning entered upon his duties.  We are favorably impressed with his appearance and from the manner in which he took hold, gives promise, when he has “learned the ropes,” of an energetic and efficient assistant.

Our regiment now presents a very promising appearance, and the scouting parties in which the boys are frequently sent out, afford exercise and excitement which go very far toward making them healthy, cheerful and vigorous.  I am however, fully satisfied that the dose which would most quickly depopulate our hospital and place us firmly on our feet, would be an order from Gen. Halleck to strike tents and march South immediately.


We have a telegraph from St. Louis to this place, and very shortly after the fall of Fort Donelson was known in St. Louis, the good news was telegraphed to our Colonel.  Soon it spread through the camp, and in less time that you could think, our rifled cannon were unlimbered, and the glad tidings were heralded in thunder tones form their fiery throats.  Of course we soldiers were jubilant – so were the Union men in and about the town, but I fancy the secessionists could not sing of the sound,

“Harmonious to the ear.”

I suspect it grated somewhat harshly.

The well authenticated news that Gen. Curtis has driven price into Arkansas, was received by the loyal inhabitants of this State with even greater joy than the fall of Fort Donelson.  Price is the life and hope of secession in this State.  While he was in the Southern part of the state, the property of Union men everywhere outside of Federal pickets, was liable to be stolen or destroyed, while secessionists were firm and defiant.  Already there is a change.  The Union men breathe more freely, and secessionist come in by the scores to take the oath.  Many, perhaps the very large majority, do this to recover damages from property they have lost, and it is quite surprising how hard some of them will swear when a horse or a mule is at stake; but if there is a chance of recovering a “contraband,” they will swear to nearly anything, or in any way, till black in the face, for that matter, if thereby the negro can be carried back into slavery.  The sorest spot a slave-holding secesh can be touched, is to take away his negroes.  They will bear the loss of horses, mules, forage, etc., with philosophical patience, but if a slave escapes, then a wound is inflicted which exasperates beyond measure, and admits of no healing but the return of the fugitive.

A commission for investigating the loyalty of the many applicants for damage, and for settling their claims against the government, has been appointed.  Lieut. Col. Ferguson is presiding officer of the commission, and the loyalty of the individuals making claims is examined with great care, strictness and impartiality.  If a man is suspected, after being sworn, he is required to give bail from $1,000 to $5,000 that he will keep the oath.  The bail as much as possible, is taken from secesh, and this arrangement has a wonderful power in making their consciences tender and susceptible to the binding and sacred character of an oath.  I think hereafter even a Mo. Secessionist’s oath may be relied upon, as probably to be kept.

Yours truly, C.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Wednesday Morning, March 5, 1862, p. 2

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