
Saturday, June 11, 2011

From Gen. Banks’ Division


The main body of Gen. Banks’ division rests in the vicinity of Charlestown.  No disaster or accident has occurred since their concentration at and departure from Sandy Hook, to cause any anxiety to the friends at home.  Three inches of snow fell today.

The hither to rancorous secessionists now pay marked respect to the Federal uniform.  The citizens who have been compelled to succumb to the rebel force are elated with the prospects for the future.

It is gratifying to perceive that the country through which the army marched bears marks of the usual agricultural industry.  It is apparent that the future cereal crops of the prolific region have not been neglected as may be supposed.  Town and country are destitute of imported articles of consumption.  There is no lack of bread, meat and coarse clothes.

Hundreds of contrabands are hourly seeking refuge within our lines, but they are allowed to roam at large without espionage or care; in fact, but little notice is taken of them, except to prevent their return beyond our outposts.

The general reports from Winchester are conflicting, and but little reliance can be placed on them, coming from refugees and contrabands.  The military commanders are undoubtedly better informed than the public, and are consequently prepared for any emergency which may arise.

Considerable flour, accredited to the secession army has been seized, but private property has been strictly respected.

Martinsburg has been occupied by Union troops, approved by Gen. McClellan.

500 to 1,000 bbls. of flour belonging to the Confederates, have been seized and stored here.

A woolen mill, owned by a man named Davis, which had been manufacturing confederate cloth, was also seized with considerable stock.

Richard Washington, brother of the late John A. Washington, is now confined at Harper’s Ferry.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Tuesday Morning, March 4, 1862, p. 1

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