
Friday, June 10, 2011

From St. Louis

ST. LOUIS, March 3.

A special to the Missouri Democrat, from Cairo, 2d inst., says a great light was seen in the direction of Columbus last night. – It is generally believed that the rebels there have burned everything of an inflammable nature.

The Memphis Appeal of the 28th ult. has the following:  We have information from Nashville up to Wednesday noon.  Gen. Buell and Com. Foot arrived and occupied the place.  The U. S. flag was raised over the dome of the capitol and floats there now.  But one Federal flag was exhibited, and that from the shop of a Yankee jeweler, who had long been suspected of disloyalty.  The feeling is Nashville is strongly Southern.  Deep gloom seemed to cover the community.  Citizens avoid intercourse of any kind with the invaders.  Two British flags have been raised by property holders, thus, evincing their intention to claim the protection of that government.

The sick are being removed from Columbus.

We are pleased to learn that Beauregard is making prompt and energetic preparations to oppose the attack, which now seems so imminent on Columbus.

The reported capture of B. R. Johnson at Ft. Donelson is incorrect.  He arrived at Nashville, Saturday having escaped the enemy.

Jeff. Thompson left his old headquarters day before yesterday, on a secret expedition.  He will turn up somewhere.

Both houses of the Tenn. Legislature met on the 27th, and adjourned for want of a quorum.

Concerning the President’s message the Appeal says: “He is free to confess the error of his past policy, and the extent of disasters which have followed from it.  We think vigorous war will soon be made on the advancing columns of the enemy; that we will attack, pursue, and destroy, instead of being attacked, pursued and destroyed. – The spade will be dropped, and the bayonet resumed; in other words, the policy of Fabian Davis will yield to that of the Napoleonic Beauregard.  In view of these facts we can see light gleaming through the dark clouds and that at present environ us, which will burst forth in less than sixty days in full and resplendent luster.”

The rebels are said to be fortifying Island No. 10, thirty-five miles below Columbus, which place they will fall back on.  High ground is found on the island, which is well adapted for planting batteries to command the river.

Prominent officers believe that Columbus was burnt last night.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Tuesday Morning, March 4, 1862, p. 1

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