
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

From Tennessee and Kentucky


Official information from Nashville to the War Department represents the military work in that State about finished, and it only remains to effect a civil re-organization of the State government.

It is believed that the United States forces will occupy Columbus to-day.

Cotton to the value of $100,000 has fallen into our hands.  The Treasury department has taken measures to have it brought to New York.

The President has designated Hon. Andy Johnson to be Brigadier General, and he proceeds to Tennessee to-morrow to open a military provisional government for Tennessee, until the reconstruction of the civil government.  Brigadier Gen. Buell will be nominated to-morrow as Major General.

A dispatch was to-day received from Com. Foot, saying that Lieut. Phelps, sent with a flag of truce to Columbus, has returned and reports Columbus is being evacuated.  He saw the rebels burning their winter quarters and removing the heavy guns on the bluffs, but leaving those in the water batteries.  The indications were that the town of Columbus, together with military stores, would be burned.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Tuesday Morning, March 4, 1862, p. 1

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