
Monday, June 20, 2011

New York, March 4 [1862]

A special to the Tribune says that the following nominations were made in the Senate to-day as Major Generals: McDowell, Burnside, Buell, Pope, Curtis, McClernand, C. T. Smith and Lewis W. Williams, acting Major Generals at Fort Donelson.  As Brigadier Generals: Colonels Oglesby, W. H. L. Wallace, Cook, McArthur, Lauman, who commanded brigades at Donelson.

Cols. Berry, of Maine, and Ferry, of Ct., are to rank in the order named, General McDowell thus outranking the rest and Curtis outranking Sigel.

In answer to a resolution of the Senate, the Secretary of War encloses the instructions of the Adjutant General Touching the Hunter-Lane expedition, dated January 3d.

The order to Hunter says:  The general-in-Chief, in giving you this information, desires it to be understood that a command independent of you is not given to General Lane, but he is to operate to all proper extent under your supervision and control. – If you deem it proper, you may yourself command the expedition which may be undertaken.  Under these circumstances the General-in-Chief will not give you a formal leave according to your application, but he authorizes you to absent yourself from your command for 30 days at your discretion.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Wednesday Morning, March 5, 1862, p. 1

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