
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Proceedings Of The City Council


Present – all the members except the Mayor, and Ald. Gillett, Le Clair and Parker. – Ald. Davenport was called to the chair.

The petitions of widow Jennings, for remittance of tax, of James Bradshaw, relating to erroneous assessment, and of Austin Corbin, in relations to tax-sale certificates, were referred to the committee on claims, with power to act.

The report of the Chief Engineer, giving the list of members of the different companies, was presented.

The city Marshal reported that he collected during the month of February the sum of $4,624.81.

The Treasurer’s report was received and ordered filed and published.  The street committee reported in favor of opening a street near Division street.  The recommendation was rejected – 4 to 5.

The committee on public grounds reported in favor of leasing the hospital grounds to Patrick Burns.  Adopted.

The committee on claims reported in favor of reducing assessment on J. Wunderlich, and asking further time on other claims

Ald. Kauffman offered the following:

Resolved That the special thanks of the Council be tendered to O. S. McNeil, City Marshal, for the prompt and energetic manner in which he has discharged his duty as collector of the city taxes for last year.

Ald. Renwick offered a resolution, instructing the committee on public buildings, to advertise for proposals for putting a roof on the City Hall.  Adopted.

Ald. Coultheart offered a resolution directing the city clerk to draw an order in behalf of B. Filson, for $4.85 – being the amount of her tax.

Ald. Kauffman offered an ordinance prohibiting any person from leaving unhitched any horse attached to a vehicle, under penalty of a fine from $1 to $5.

Laid over.

Ald. Peters offered a resolution appropriating $1.50 to pay C. W. Verder for services as city assessor.  Adopted.

Ald. Peters called up his ordinance requiring all persons to remove the snow from their sidewalks.  Yeas and nays were called, and the ordinance adopted as follows:

Yeas: Coulthart, Glasman, Kauffman, Peters, Weinert.

Noes – Noe, Renwick, and Schmidt.

Ald. Renwick offered a resolution providing for the spring election, and fixing places, and judges, and clerks.  Adopted.


– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Thursday Morning, March 6, 1862, p. 1

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