
Monday, June 27, 2011

Southern News


A flag of truce was sent over to Craney Island to-day, but no passengers returned.

ATLANTA, Ga., Feb. 28.

The Confederacy this morning states that Gen. Bushrod Johnson escaped from Fort Donelson, and reached Murfreesboro last Sunday.  Heavy rains have recently fallen, and the roads from Nashville are greatly damaged.

The Richmond Dispatch says Cols. Corcoran and Wilcox, and other prisoners, to the number of 100, arrived here on Friday from Columbia, S. C., and are waiting transshipment to Newport News.  They however, may not start for several weeks, as the arrangements for sending them away have not been completed.  Col. Wilcox is the officer who acted as military governor of Alexandria when it was first occupied by the Federals.

It is reported from Richmond that John Minor Botts has been arrested and thrown into prison, for manifesting Union proclivities.

Richmond papers publish general order No. 9, dated Adjutant and inspector General’s office, Richmond, March 1, wherein Jeff. Davis proclaims martial law over Richmond and adjoining country for ten miles.

All distillation of spirituous liquors and their sail is forbidden, on account of the demoralization of the army and the prevalent disorder.

All persons having arms of any description are requested to deliver the same to the ordnance department on or before the 6th of March, otherwise they will be seized.

The Richmond Dispatch says this measure will be hailed with satisfaction by all classes.

AUGUSTA, March 2.

A gentleman just reached here says on Saturday morning Com. Tatnall’s fleet engaged one of the Federal batteries near Savannah, and had one man killed.  The fleet then returned.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Thursday Morning, March 6, 1862, p. 1

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