
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Daniel Byrd, Private, Co. I, 7th Missouri State Militia Cavalry: Muster Rolls

Jan & Feb, 1863, joined for duty and enrolled: March 25, 1863, Princeton, present; valuation of horse $110.00; pay due for use & risk of horse & eqpt furnished by self from the 31 day of Aug 1862 to 28 day of Feb. 1863

Apr 10, 1863, Special Muster Roll, present

March & Apr, 1863, present; Valuation of horse $110.00; pay due for use & risk of horse & eqpt furnished by self from the 31st day of Oct. 1862 to 30" day of April 1863, except 10 days dismounted.

June 30", 1863, present; Valuation of horse $110.00; pay due for use & risk of horse & eqpt furnished by self from 30 day of April 1863 to the 30 day of June 1863

April 30" to Aug 31", 1863, present; Valuation of horse $110.00; pay due for use & risk of horse & eqpt furnished by self from the 30" day of April 1863 to the 31" of Aug, 1863

Sept & Oct, 1863, present; pay due for use & risk of horse & eqpt furnished by self from the 31 of Aug. 1863 to the 31 of Oct. 1863

Nov & Dec, 1863, absent; pay due for use & risk of horse & eqpt. furnished by self, from the 31 of Augtust 1863, to 31 of Dec. 1863; sick in quarters

Jan & Feb, 1864, present; pay due for use & risk of horse & eqpt furnished by self, from the 31 of Aug 1863, to 29 of Feb. 1864

Mar. & April, 1864, present; pay due for use & risk of horse & eqpt furnished by self from the 29 of Feb. 1864 to April 30, 1864

May & Jun 1864, present; pay due for use & risk of horse & horse eqpt furnished by self from Feb. 29, 1864 to Jun 30, 1864

July & Aug 1864, absent; pay due for use & risk of horse & eqpts Feb 29, 1864 to Aug 31 1864; absent on duty

Sept & Oct, 1864, present, pay due for use of horse & equipment from Feb 29, 64 to Oct. 31, 64

Nov & Dec, 1864, present, pay due for use and risk of horse & equipments furnished by self from Feb 29, 64 to Dec 31, 64

Jan & Feb, 1865, present, pay due for use & risk of horse and equipments furnished by self from June 30, 64 to Jany 16, 65

Company Muster Out Roll: Co. I, 7th Reg't Mo. State Militia Cav.:

Apr 3, 1865, Warrensburg, MO; Last paid to Dec 31, 1864; Clothing account last settled June 30, 1864: Am't for cloth'g in kind or money adv'd $11.55; Valuation of horse, $100.00; Pay due for use and risk of horse and equipments furnished by self from June 30, 64 to Jany 16, 65

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