
Saturday, July 16, 2011

From The 2d Iowa Regiment

FORT DONELSON, March 1, 1862.

MR. EDITOR:– To “go away from home to learn the news” is emphatically true, as relates to this locality.  Although it is now two weeks since the fight at this place, which resulted so gloriously in replanting the old flag in this part of secessia, we have been unable to get a glimpse of a newspaper to learn what has been going on, except in one or two instances, were we were fortunate enough to get hold of a well thumbed edition of a Chicago daily, whose cash valuation exceeded by far the amount to be discovered in the pockets of any one solder found in these parts since pay-day.  We could well bear this privation if we could get an occasional glimpse of our old friend the Gazette, which despite our many inquiries of the Post-master, fails to come to hand.  In fact the last copy we have received bears the date of Feb. 15th, which in this age of steam, we are compelled to say is very much behind time.

Since I last wrote you there has been no change in the location of the Iowa Regiments.  The 2d, 7th, 12th and 14th, all that have been here, yet remain, and from appearances there is no immediate forward movement in contemplation as far as I can see.  A portion of Gen. Buell’s division have passed here within the last few days en route for Nashville, and as we understand the rebels intend making a stand, a few miles inland from the above named place, we may expect to hear of a battle, and I guess another rebel defeat.  With the exception of about twenty regiments, which remain to hold this important point, all our forces which were here at the battle, with additional forces which arrived here since that time, have gone up the river, to what point, or what for, we cannot learn until we get a late newspaper.

The boys are all taking a rest since the battle, and we are happy to state, from reports from below, that our wounded are well taken care of at the different Hospitals, and are doing well, being cared for as though they were at home; this in a very great degree, is attributable to the promptness with which the friends at home of the various companies engaged in the fight, responded when notified by the telegraph that Fort Donelson was taken.

During the past week, we have visiting us, delegations of citizens and officials, from Illinois, Indiana, and Iowa.  Among the number from our own state is, His Excellency Gov. Kirkwood, Surgeon Gen. Hughes, Hon. Mr. Kellogg of the House, and Dr. McCarn of your city, whose cheerful countenance was gladly welcomed by his old friends, the members of Cos. B, and C.  He arrived her on the 27th, and since that them has been busily engaged in ascertaining the wants and conditions of the Iowa boys; particularly those hailing from our town.  Today he intends ascertain the possibility of removing the bodies of our gallant dead, to Davenport.  It is likely he will take the bodies of Messrs. Page, and Guthrie of Co. B, and Howell, and Peterson of Co. C, back with him.  The Dr. spent yesterday and last night with us, and this morning I had the pleasure of riding around these most extensive fortifications with him, and of pointing out the different places where the Federal troops attempted to make a breach in the rebel lines, and the place where the Iowa 2d did make the breach, which turned the scale of the battle in our favor.  He expressed great surprise, as all do who visit this spot, - that any body of men could cross the enemies entrenchments without being almost annihilated.

The presence of Gov. Kirkwood was warmly greeted by the Iowa Troops.  He visited the quarters of the different regiments and congratulated the men for their gallantry and success.  Thursday evening he spent at our Regimental Head Quarters, and in response to a serenade from our brass band, made an appropriate little speech, which was enthusiastically received, by the Iowa 2d.  Surgeon Gen. Hughes, Hon. Mr. Kellogg, Col. Tuttle, Lieut. Col Baker, and Dr. Marsh, also answered in like manner to the calls of the crowd.  Our Iowa visitors also honored our dress parade with their presence and expressed much gratification at our proficiency in drill and discipline.

At the solicitation of the Governor, Col. Tuttle gave him our regimental colors to take home with him, to be place in the Hall of Representatives, where all can see the veritable stars and stripes, which first waved over the entrenchments of Fort Donelson, planted they by the gallant sons of the Hawkeye State.

We understand a former resident of Davenport, in the person of Capt. Schuyler, was among the rebels who escaped on the boat with the notorious Floyd, who made such an inglorious retreat, leaving so many of the chivalry of the South to our tender mercies.  We rather guess he heard the Davenport boys were about, and had not impudence enough to stay and meet those from whose friends he had received so many kindnesses.  He may not be so lucky next time.

Affairs hereabout are beginning to assume regularity.  The regiments are settled down to regular camp duty, and are anxious as ever to meet the foe and wipe out the last vestige of rebellion.  It is generally conceded that the backbone of secession, if not broken short off, is seriously dislocated, and beyond the help of Southern surgery.

We understand by the gentlemen from below that Cairo is crowded with the friends of the troops here, who started from home for the purpose of visiting Fort Donelson, but were stopped by the peremptory order of Gen. Grant, which forbids civilians from visiting this place at the present time. – Although this may seem harsh, it is evidently proper, as the great rush would interfere much with the discipline and general routine of military duties.  Among the number there, are many of the officers’ wives, who no doubt are greatly disappointed and indignant that they are denied the privilege of seeing their dears.  All such can expend their sympathy with the wounded and sick soldiers at Cairo and Mound City.

Among the trophies left behind, by the enemy in surrendering this place, are any amount of “love letters” which tender missiles cause the boys much amusement, and of which Capt. Bob, and Orderly Suiter have a sufficient number saved up for future reference, to be dealt out as occasion may require.

Among the arrivals from below I recognize the Clerk of the Court for Scott County.

Hoping to receive a Davenport GAZETTE soon.

I remain as ever,


– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Saturday Morning, March 8, 1862, p. 2

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