
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

From St. Louis

ST. LOUIS, March 10.

The expedition sent out from Sedalia by Brig. Gen. McKean into Bates county has just returned with 40 prisoners of war, recruits for Price’s army, and a quantity of arms and ammunition.

Special to St. Louis Democrat

CROSS HOLLOW, Ark., March 1.

Vigorous reconnoisances are kept up to watch the enemy’s movements and foraging parties are active in obtaining supplies. – Pork and beef are purchased in abundance in the vicinity, and about half the quantity of flour required is obtained in the same manner, and all our forage.

Price, whose retreat is acknowledged on all hands to have been ably conducted, has found refuge in Boston mountains.  From two deserters, who came into camp yesterday, it is ascertained that he is encamped on Cave Creek road, while McCulloch is posted one and a half miles distant.  The latter had burnt the village near the Indian frontier, known as Caul Hill.  The supplies of the rebel army are obtained from Van Buren.

It is stated in good authority that Price and McCulloch had a violent quarrel before leaving Cross Hollow.

At Fayetteville we found all the telegraphic dispatches, up to the time of the evacuation of the rebels.  A dispatch from McIntosh to Herbert, in command at Cross Hollow, urges him to press forward and reinforce Price at Springfield, and all hazards, as that point is important to be held by the Confederates.

Ex-Senator Johnson, of Mo., who opened a recruiting office in Springfield, for the rebels, previous to Price’s departure, was the first to reach Fayetteville, where he stopped several days.

The Clemency of Gen. Curtis and the policy inaugurated in relations to the treatment of citizens of Benton county, is bringing its reward in the general confidence already showing indications of being restored among fugitives, who fled at our approach.

Confederate bills, which were 25 cents discount on our arrival in Benton county, have suddenly become valueless, and the inhabitants themselves refuse to take them.

Major Wright learns that the citizens of Keitsville knew of the intended attack on that place, and communicated the intelligence to the rebels, but kept all intimation of it from Capt. Montgomery.

The afternoon before the fight the ladies of the village left, one by one, and during the attack were all out.

Major Wright also learns that there are five hundred and fifty rebels in Cedar Co., Mo., and 190 in Dade Co.  These parties are committing depredations and swearing vengeance against Union men.

The health of the troops has been good particularly on the march.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Tuesday Morning, March 11, 1862, p. 1

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