
Monday, July 18, 2011

Funeral of the Killed at Fort Donelson

As previously announced, the train from Chicago on Saturday morning bore the remains of George Howell, Edward Peterson, C. H. Lenhart, Wm. Myers, Selucius G. Page and Wm Guthrie, who were killed at Fort Donelson February 15th.  The two last named belonged to Co. B, the others to Co. C.  The bodies were brought here in charge of Mr. I. M. Gifford and Dr. McCarn, and escorted by six members of those companies, viz; Orderly Sergeant Frank M. Suiter, Jules Meredith, J. W. Page, and L. Whitney, of Co. B, and Hiram P. Earhart and M. L. Minor, of Co. C. – The bodies remained at the deport till afternoon, when they were escorted to Metropolitan Hall by the 16th regiment, under Colonel Chambers, preceded by the Union Band.  The exercises at the Hall commenced with prayer by Rev. Mr. Dimmitt.  Rev. Mr. Butterfield made feeling and appropriate remarks, speaking of the glorious cause in which they fell, and their heroic deaths, and addressing words of comfort and consolation to the afflicted relations of the fallen, and concluding with an exhortation to the soldiers he addressed, to be faithful to their country and to liberty.

Rev. Mr. Anderson pronounced the benediction, after which the procession formed again, and marched to Oakdale Cemetery, where the remains were deposited in the vault, to await the disposition which their friends may wish to make of them.

The Union Band, under Mr. Strasser, interspersed the exercises at the hall with appropriate music.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Monday Morning, March 10, 1862, p. 1

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