
Friday, July 15, 2011

John Brawand

JOHN BRAWAND. — Born in the Canton of Berne, Switzerland, March, 1832, and there resided until nineteen years of age. He then left his native land and emigrated to the United States, and first located in St. Louis, Missouri. The next seven years were spent in that State, Iowa and Kansas. In October, 1857, he started from the latter State to cross the plains to California, arriving early in the Spring of 1858. He immediately proceeded to the Frazer river and there followed mining for two years. In the Fall of 1860, he returned to San Francisco, from whence he sailed for his native land to pay a visit to his old home. Sojourning but a few months, he again returned to the United States, and purchased a farm in Iowa, on which he resided but a short time, when he, at his adopted country's call, enlisted in the Spring of 1861, in Company "C," 16th Iowa Volunteer Infantry, in which he served for nearly three years, being discharged on account of disability. He again returned to his farm in Iowa. A short time after was married, sold out and removed to Kansas, where he remained until 1867, when he again crossed the plains with horse-teams, of which he was robbed by Indians en route, to this State. Our subject first located in Alameda county. In April, 1869, he moved to Concord, Contra Costa county, where he engaged in teaming until April, 1877, when he purchased a half interest in the well known livery stable of Mahony & Brawand, of Concord, where he now resides. The subject of our memoir was married in Muscatine county, Iowa, in 1864, to Miss Margaret Bohren, a native of Switzerland. By this union they have four surviving and four deceased children. The names of those living are: Annie, Alice, Minnie and Clara.

SOURCE: J. P. Munro-Fraser, History of Contra Costa County, California, 513-4

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