
Monday, July 18, 2011

Local Matters

CAMPBELL MINSTRELS:  We are requested to state that the “Original Campbell Minstrels” will be in this city and give one of their concerts on Friday or Saturday next.

VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC. – Our friend and fellow citizen, Mr. Jacob Strasser, the well known leader of the “Union band,” who with several members of his Band, has for some months past been in the volunteer service in Missouri, has returned – and we understand is making preparations to give an instrumental and vocal concert in Metropolitan Hall, in which he will be assisted by his full Band and the Davenport Orchestral Society.  Mr. Strasser will be assisted by Miss Hirschl, the youthful violinist, who is already somewhat known to our citizens in that capacity; and also by Miss Dutton, a brilliant young pianist, who is only ten years old, but whose wonderful execution on the piano astonishes all who have heard it.

KEROSENE OIL – PRICE REDUCED. – The best quality of kerosene Oil for sale at 40 cents per gallon, by Dart & Sons, No. 2, Lesslie’s block, Front street.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Monday Morning, March 10, 1862, p. 1

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