
Friday, July 8, 2011

Michigan Democratic State Convention

DETROIT, March 6.

The Democratic State Convention met in this city yesterday and organized, electing H. H. Riley, of St. Joseph county, permanent President.  The attendance was very large.  Fully over 500 delegates were present.  The proceedings were harmonious throughout.  It was deemed inexpedient to nominate candidates for State officers at this time.  Resolutions were passed expressive of the position of the Democracy of Michigan in the present crisis, promising support to the government in all constitutional means to suppress the rebellion and opposing the termination of the war until all resistance to government under the constitution everywhere cease.  Abolitionism is strongly denounced as equally guilty with Southern secessionism.  The speedy extinguishment of both is hoped for.  Approving the modifications of Freemont’s proclamation, Cameron’s removal, and the appointment of present Secretary of War as an indication of the President to adopt the constitution.  Denouncing corruption and extravagance, and demanding honesty and economy in the administration of government.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Friday Morning, March 7, 1862, p. 1

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