
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

No. 31. Report of Col. James M. Tuttle, Second Iowa Infantry

Fort Donelson, Tenn., February 18, 1862.

COLONEL: I have the honor to report to you the part which my command took in the capture of this place:

The Second Regiment Iowa Infantry was transported up the Cumberland River on the steamer McGill, and landed about 3 miles below the fort on the 14th instant, and immediately marched to the headquarters of General Smith, where I arrived about 11 a.m. of the same day, and was by General Grant assigned to General Smith's division and by General Smith to your brigade. When we arrived at the top of the hill, nearly opposite the right of the enemy's works, in pursuance of an order from you I deployed Companies A and B as skirmishers. They immediately crossed a ravine in front of our line and skirmished until night, when they were called in.

In the mean time the regiment was assigned position on the extreme left of our forces, where we spent a cold and disagreeable night, without tents or blankets. We remained in this position until 2 p.m. the next day, when we were ordered to storm the fortifications of the enemy in front by advancing the left wing of the regiment, supported a short distance in the rear by the right wing. I took command of the left wing in person and proceeded in line of battle steadily up the hill until we reached the fortifications without firing a gun. On reaching the works we found the enemy fleeing before us, except a few, who were promptly put to the bayonet. I then gave the order to fire, which was responded to with fatal precision until the right wing, with Lieutenant-Colonel Baker, arrived, headed by General Smith, when we formed in line of battle, again under a galling fire, and charged on the encampment across the ravine in front, the enemy still retreating before us. After we had reached the summit of the hill beyond the ravine we made a stand and occupied it for over an hour.

In the mean time the enemy were being re-enforced, and one of our regiments poured a disastrous fire upon us in the rear. Our ammunition being nearly exhausted, I ordered my command to fall back to the intrenchments, which they did steadily and in good order.

I am not able to name the regiment which fired upon our rear, but I do know that the greater part of the casualties we received at that point was from that source, for I myself saw some of my men fall who I know were shot from the hill behind us.

We then took our position behind the intrenchments, and soon afterwards, owing to an injury received, as reported among the casualties of the engagement, I retired from the field, leaving Lieutenant-Colonel Baker in command until the following morning.

During the night our pickets, who were posted in the enemy's camp, were fired upon several times; but with that exception all remained quiet until morning, when the enemy gave signal for a parley, which was succeeded by the joyful intelligence that they had surrendered the fort. We were then ordered by General Smith to take the post of honor in marching to the enemy's fort, where we planted our colors upon the battlements beside the white of the enemy, for which generous consideration he has our hearty thanks.

When I come to speak of those who particularly distinguished themselves for coolness and bravery, so many examples occur to me, that it seems invidious to make distinctions.

Of those few who were in the most responsible positions -- Lieutenant-Colonel Baker, Major Chipman, and Adjutant Tuttle -- to say that they were cool and brave would not do them justice; they were gallant to perfection. Lieutenant Colonel Baker had a ball pass through his cap and come out near his temple. Major Chipman was among the first to fall, severely wounded, while cheering on the men of the left wing, and refused to be carried from the field, but waved his sword and exhorted the men to press forward.

Captains Slaymaker and Cloutman fell dead at the head of their companies before they reached the intrenchments. Near them also fell Lieutenant Harper. His death was that of a true and brave soldier.

Captains Cox, Mills, Moore, and Wilkin were at the head of their companies marked examples of gallantry and efficiency.

Lieutenants Scofield, Ensign, Davis, Holmes, Huntington, Weaver, Mastick, Snowden, and Godfrey -- in fact, nearly all of my officers, commissioned and non-commissioned -- deported themselves nobly throughout the engagement.

Sergeant-Major Brawner deserves very honorable mention for his gallant conduct.

Surgeons Marsh and Nassau also deserve the highest praise for their skill and untiring devotion to the welfare of the wounded. Dr. Nassau was particularly noticed for his bravery on the field, taking off the wounded during a heavy fire from the enemy.

I cannot omit in this report an account of the color-guard. Color-Sergeant Doolittle fell early in the engagement, pierced by four balls and dangerously wounded. The colors were then taken by Corporal Page, Company B, who soon fell dead. They were again raised by Corporal Churcher, Company I, who had his arm broken just as he entered the intrenchments, when they were taken by Corporal Twombly, Company F, who was almost instantly knocked down by a spent ball, immediately rose, and bore them gallantly to the end of the fight. Not a single man of the color-guard but himself was on his feet at the close of the engagement.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

 Colonel Second Iowa Infantry.

 Col. J. G. LAUMAN,
Commanding Fourth Brigade.

SOURCE: The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Series I, Volume 7, Serial No. 7, p. 229-30

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