
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Public Meeting

In accordance with previous notice, the citizens of Davenport assembled at the Court House Saturday evening for the purpose of nominating school officers for the ensuing year.

On motion, Mr. Jno. Collins was chosen chairman, and Messrs. D. N. Richardson and Wm. H. Fleming appointed secretaries.

The Chairman made a few remarks, stating the object of the meeting.

Mr. John Collins was then unanimously nominated for President of the School Board by acclamation.

Judge James Grant was re-nominated for Vice President by acclamation.

Geo. H. French was unanimously re-nominated for Treasurer.

Otto Smith, Eliel Peck and M. D. Snyder were nominated for Secretary.  Messrs. D. S. Shorey and D. C. Higgins were appointed tellers, and an informal ballot resulted – Smith, 59; Peck, 29; Snyder, 26.  Mr. Otto Smith was then nominated for Secretary by acclamation.

For Director, Charles Lesslie, Dr. Olshausen and H. R. Claussen were placed in nomination.

The 1st ballot resulted, Olshausen, 35; Lesslie, 27; Claussen 18.  The second ballot stood Olshausen, 37; Lesslie, 37.  The 3rd ballot resulted, Lesslie, 33; Olshausen 27; but before the vote was declared a fresh importation of voters arrived, who insisted on their right to vote.  After discussion it was decided to take another ballot, and keep the polls open half an hour.  The result stood, Olshausen 43, Lesslie 27.  On motion all the nominations were declared unanimous, and the meeting adjourned.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Monday Morning, March 10, 1862, p. 1

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