
Sunday, July 17, 2011

Repudiation In Iowa

A recent letter from Iowa says:– “I am obliged to say that there is a strong disposition on the part of the counties referred to to repudiate their liabilities.  In fact, nearly all the counties in the State are tainted with it: and it is well understood that two of the three Supreme Judges are favorable to it.  That is in consequence of an elective judiciary.”

The above is from the New York Journal of Commerce, and in our judgment the hints at repudiation are entirely groundless.  Any just legal claims against any county in Iowa, we have no doubt will be fully paid.  The people of that noble State do not belong to the repudiating race. – They live, if anywhere, in the State that breeds such traitors as Jeff. Davis.  It may be true that right and justice require that the villains of fancy operations in some of the counties should lose their claims, but hones claims in Iowa will be repudiated never. – Chicago Tribune.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Saturday Morning, March 8, 1862, p. 2

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