
Thursday, July 7, 2011

Richard R. Luce: Obituary

Richard R., son of Wm. and Hulda Luce, was born near Bangor, Maine, October 24, 1839, and died at his home in east Osceola September 24, 1914, at the age of 74 years, 11 months.  He was the second son of a family of eight children, five boys and three girls, three of whom are living: Isaac Luce and Oct. Ingham of Oklahoma, and Samuel Luce of Nebraska.  The deceased with his parents moved from Maine to Illinois about the year 1858.  He enlisted in the 93rd Illinois Infantry in 1862 and served to the end of the war.  He was one of four brothers who enlisted and served through the war, all of them living to be mustered out at the close of the war.

On his return home he was married to Elizabeth McVicker.  To this union five children were born: W. W. of Osceola, Mary E. Bruhn of Los Angeles, Florence Baker of Texas, Ethel who died in 1895 and Ida O.  Caster of Osceola, Elizabeth, the wife and mother, crossed over the river of death in 1899.  Bro. Luce was then married to Mrs. Jennie Hunt during the year 1900.  To this union one son, James, was born.

The deceased was converted to Christ and joined the New Light church in 1874 and continued a member of the same until 1880 when he joined the M. P. church, remaining a member of the same until death called him from labor to reward.  In the death of Bro. Luce the church as lost a friend and helper, the wife a companion, the children a father, the community a friend and neighbor, but we need not mourn as those who have no hope.

He leaves to mourn, his companion, five children, eleven grand children, two great grandchildren, two brothers and one sister, besides other more distant relatives and a host of friends.  May the comforting grace of our Heavenly Father sustain the bereaved in this sad hour.

Among those from out of town were present at the funeral were Mrs. Kate Luce and son, H. D. Reeves and family, E. A. Luce and wife and Wm. McCullough and wife all of Murray, C. A. Luce and wife of Weldon, and L. G. Luce and family of Van Wert and Leonard Hunt of Des Moines.

– Published in The Osceola Sentinel, Osceola, Iowa, October 1, 1914

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