
Friday, July 1, 2011

A Swindler Caught

The Linn County Register tells of the arrest of a swindler name E. T. Barter alias E. Clark.  It appears that under the former name he made contracts for cattle with parties in Marion last September, and tried to sell Twogood and Elliot of that place a draft on a firm in Chicago, for whom he purported to be buying; they didn’t concur; so he didn’t take the cattle.  About a month ago, he turned up at Aurora, Ill., under the name of E. Clark, and presented to the Congregational Minister, at that place, a forged certificate from a Minister of the same denomination at Cedar Rapids, recommending himself and wife to the care and fellowship of the church.  Upon the strength of that draft, he managed to get a forged draft for $600 cashed.  He then went somewhere else, and got the same amount in a similar manner.  He finally tried Oquawka, Ill., and there he was arrested, and is now likely to finish out his career in State Prison.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Thursday Morning, March 6, 1862, p. 2

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