
Friday, July 8, 2011

William S. Luce

WILLIAM S. LUCE, an enterprising and industrious citizen of Knox Township, residing on section 3, is a native of Cape Cod, Massachusetts, where he was born December 27, 1840, a son of William and Huldah (Rugers) Luce, the father being a native of Maine, and the mother born on Cape Cod. William S. was the third of a family of nine children. When two years old he was taken by his parents to Maine, they locating near Bangor, where they made their home for twelve years, when the family removed to Stark County, Illinois. Our subject passed his youth on a farm, receiving a common-school education.

He lived with his parents in Stark County till the breaking out of the war, when, October 10, 1861, he enlisted in Company K, Ninth Illinois Cavalry. He took part in the engagement against General Price, at Waddell Farm, Arkansas, where he was wounded in the left shoulder by being struck by a rifle ball, which unfitted him for duty for six months. He was at Cotton Plant, Arkansas, Tupelo, Mississippi, Guntown and Franklin, Tennessee. The Ninth Illinois Cavalry was noted for the hard fighting in scouting and guarding, and for a time was engaged in guarding the Memphis and Charlestown Railroad. Mr. Luce received an honorable discharge at Nashville, Tennessee, December 10, 1864, when he returned to his home in Stark County, Illinois, where he remained till 1870.

He then came to Clarke County, Iowa, and after living a year in Green Bay Township, he settled in section 8, Knox Township, where he spent one year. He then removed to section 10, of the same township, where he resided four years. In 1875 he bought 120 acres of his present farm on section 3, which he has since improved and brought under excellent cultivation. He has added eighty acres to his original purchase, and now has a valuable farm of 200 acres, and is successfully engaged in farming and stock-raising.

Mr. Luce was married December 9, 1861, to Jane McVicker, of Bureau County, Illinois, who died September 21, 1882, leaving seven children -- Charles, Minnie, Leon, Archibald, Alice, Elgie and Elva. Mr. Luce is a comrade of Knox Center, Post No. 189, G.A.R. In politics he is a Republican. He is a member of the Christian church, and a respected citizen of Knox Township.

SOURCE: reprint of Clarke County Historical and Biographical Record, Lewis Publishing, 1886, p. 172

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