
Friday, August 12, 2011

From Fort Pickens

NEW YORK, March 11.

The Steamer Philadelphia arrived to-night from Fort Pickens 1st, Tortugas 4th and Key West 6th.  Gen. Arnold was in command at Ft. Pickens, Col. Brown having sailed for New York.  Troops at Fort Pickens all well.  Contrabands from Pensacola report that a rebel regiment had left, and two unarmed regiments had arrived.

Anderson was to be court-martialed for commencing the bombardment of January 1st.

Com. Porter’s Mortar fleet was awaiting favorable wind to sail from Key West for Ship Island.

The steamer Magnolia arrived at Key West, a prize to the steamer South Carolina.  She had 1,000 bales of cotton.  The steamers Mississippi and Mantauzas were at Port Royal with Gen. Butler and his troops.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Thursday Morning, March 13, 1862, p. 1

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