
Monday, August 22, 2011

From Memphis

ST. LOUIS, March 13.

A special to the Democrat, from Cairo 12th, says that a gentleman who left Memphis Saturday, and arrived here this morning, reports no troops at Memphis.  Many persons were leaving the city.

Cotton, molasses, sugar and other articles of merchandise were being shipped down the river.  The policy of burning the city was still being discussed.

Speeches were mad every night, and all means need to check the increasing demoralization and increase the war spirit.

Bragg had come up from Pensacola with 10,000 troops.  These were sent to reinforce New Madrid and Island No. 10.

Bragg and Beauregard are at Jackson, Tenn., constructing fortifications.  All the negroes in the country are called to work on them.

Martial law was proclaimed in Memphis last Monday, for the purpose of checking insubordination and compel the citizens to turn out and fight.

No defensive preparations were being made at Randolph, nor between there and New Orleans.

Fort Pillow is a strong position, but less formidable than Columbus.  The rebels confess that the reduction of this place will give us all points on the Mississippi.

Their gunboats are all at Island No. 10, and carry rifled 24 and 32 pounders.  The fleet is under command of Com. Hollins.

A messenger from New Madrid reports all quiet this morning.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Friday Morning, March 14, 1862, p. 1

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