
Thursday, August 25, 2011

From Virginia

CHARLESTON, Va., March 12.

The town of Berryville, Va. Was occupied by our troops yesterday, by Gen. Gorman, directing the advance.  The enemy had 500 cavalry there, on our arrival, but the signal ordered a charge of the New York cavalry upon them, supporting the onset with a sufficient force of artillery and infantry.  The enemy did now wait to fight, but ran helter skelter towards Winchester.

Twice last night were the pickets of Gen. Gorman’s brigade compelled to fall back by the charge of Ashby’s Cossacks.  This morning Gen. Gorman mad a reconnaissance in force to within two miles of Winchester, drawing the rebels into a trap.  They were again charged upon by our cavalry loosing four men.  Several prisoners have been taken from the enemy, while our total loss up to this time is one man and one horse.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Friday Morning, March 14, 1862, p. 2 

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