
Friday, August 5, 2011

From Washington


The National Intelligencer of this morning asserts, in positive terms, that we occupy Centerville, and that the rebels have evacuated Manassas.  The Intelligencer adds – This News was confirmed by intelligence received at headquarters last night.

A dispatch from Fort Monroe this morning announces that everything is quite there and at Newport News.

Manassas has been evacuated by the rebels, and our forces have taken peaceable possession.  There has been no other news of public interest this morning.

The Supreme Court will not hear the argument of any case after Thursday, the 20th inst., or any motion after the 21st, the Court intending to adjourn on the 25th of March.


The whole fortifications of Manassas were abandoned, and everything burned.  Full particulars will be sent as soon as received.


The President will probably sign the new article of war to-day.  It forbids officers of the army and navy from returning fugitive slaves to their masters.

Lieut. Warden, the gallant commander of the Monitor, is here, and is rapidly recovering from his wounds.

Official information to-day reports that the enemy formerly encamped back of and below Occoquan, have retreated, destroying everything they could not carry on their back.  They left on Saturday.  Our troops took peaceable possession this morning, and were welcomed by a part of the inhabitants with great goy.  Every boat in the vicinity and everything that would float had been destroyed.  The rebels told the villagers they were going to fall back on the Rappahannock.

A call from the Governor of Virginia on the militia of the State for one thousand men, was proclaimed on the streets of Occoquan on the 9th inst., by an officer, who immediately departed.  Nearly all the able-bodied men of the village left with the rebel army; a few refused to go.

The rebel force which has thus retreated was composed of three Texas, one Georgia and one Miss. regiment, and the Hampton legion.

Com. Vanderbilt gave notice to-day to the Postmaster General that he would carry the Central American and the South Pacific mails on his line of steamers, provided he could be protected against parties who were smuggling the California mails over his lines, for which he received no payment.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Wednesday Morning, March 12, 1862, p. 1

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