
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

From Washington


A Dispatch from Ft. Monroe says that the Merrimac did not make her appearance to-day.

Samuel. L. Casey took a seat in the House to-day, from the 1st Kentucky district.

Tribune’s Dispatch.


The Senate Finance Committee to-day authorized the chairman to report back the House bill authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury to purchase coin with Treasury notes or bonds, striking out the latter clause, which leaves the purchase optional with the Secretary; and also the section making the fifty million of Treasury notes of the old issue, a legal tender.  Senator Fessenden will report the bill as amended to-morrow.

The Senate judiciary committee will on Wednesday come to a final conclusion on the case of Senator Powell.  There will be majority and minority reports – the minority, as in the Bright case, being for expression.

Light cavalry have been sent in pursuit to harass and track the rebel retreat.  It is supposed to be their design to fall back first upon Fredericksburg and then upon Richmond.

Our troops occupied Centerville and Fairfax Court House to-night.  Two companies under Major Hatfield were ordered, yesterday morning, to go to Fairfax Court House by the Braddock road.  When within a mile of the place they met the enemy, who retreated before them.  At 5 o’clock last evening they entered the Court House, followed by a full regiment.  The two companies under Major Hatfield were then ordered back to Fairfax Cross Roads, where they met the body of the regiment and bivouacked for the night.  At 12 m. to-day Hatfield’s company were within sight of the village and found that it had been evacuated in the night, leaving tents and other property behind in large quantity.

Lieut. Alexander, of the Lincoln cavalry, arrived soon after with a detachment of men, and passed on as far as Cub’s Run, three miles above Centreville, where he discovered a vast number of tents left standing.

PORTLAND, March 11.

The North American arrived this morning.  News soon.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Wednesday Morning, March 12, 1862, p. 2

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