
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Iowa In The Last Battle

In Gen. Curtis’s army, which so recently defeated Price, as announced yesterday morning, was one and perhaps two Iowa regiments.  The 4th, Col. Dodge, is with Gen. Curtis, and so is probably the 9th, Col. Vandever.  Lieut. Col. Galligan, of this city, it will be remembered, is the second officer of the 4th, and we will no doubt hear a good account of him in that battle.  Besides, we have one company of Davenporters, Capt. Ahlefeldt’s composed to a great extent of the gallant men who so nobly represented Davenport at Wilson’s Creek, and who re-enlisted with Capt. Ahlefeldt, in the brigade of Gen. Osterhaus.  Our young friend, Wm. S. Mackenzie, is a lieutenant in the same brigade, and we believe is also a staff officer.  Lt. Col. Charley Asmusson, of whose safety we are pleased to hear, is in the same brigade.  Beside Capt. Ahlefeldt’s company, there are quite a number of other German-American’s from this place in Missouri regiments, and all very likely in this battle; so it is probable Davenport was more largely represented in the last battle than in any other of the war – not even excepting Fort Donelson.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Wednesday Morning, March 12, 1862, p. 1

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