
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Lieut. Ensign

It now transpires that Lieutenant Edgar Ensign, was wounded four times before he submitted to be taken from the field.  He was struck once, twice and even tree times in nearly the same place; but his martial spirit was unsubdued.  He still kept his place at the head of his company, waving his sword, and exhorting the boys to follow on to victory!  He was finally struck the fourth time, and was brought down to the earth on his right side.  Still, determined to make the best use of his failing energies, he transferred his sword to his left hand, and waved it over his prostrate body, urging the boys at the same time not to mind his condition, but to move on to the charge!  Glad are we that this young officer, whom for five years we have known and prized, is in a fair way of recovery.  We would like to take him to our heart and congratulate him on the possession of heroism which the God of Battles alone can confer on any man! – Des Moines Register 11th.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Friday Morning, March 14, 1862, p. 2 

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