
Sunday, August 7, 2011

Local Matters

R. KRAUSE, No. 36 West Second street, has just received a new stock of hats and caps.

CHEAP GRAIN DRILL. – A second hand Grain Drill and Grass Sower for sale cheap for cash.  Inquire of R. Krause, No. 36, west Second street, or at the farm of E. Steinhilber, Blue Grass township.

THE DISTRICT COURT in Clinton county opens to-day, the impassible condition of the roads having prevented Judge Dillon form getting to De Witt in time to open court last week – the regular time.

ICE. – Mr. James S. Altman, who has put up a very large quantity of ice, this morning, announces himself ready to contract for and furnish ice for the season, or any shorter time.  His ice is of an excellent quality, the past season being peculiarly favorable for getting good ice.

SCHOOL ELECTION AT LeCLAIRE. – The election at LeClaire, on Monday evening, for school officers, was conducted with the usual intensity of elections in the neighboring Republic.  The successful candidates were mostly elected by about a dozen majority.  The old board, the weakest since the present school law was passed, were defeated.  The elected are:

Geo. W. Horton, President; C. C. Applegate, Vice President; John F. Newman, Secretary; P. Gaffney, Treasurer; Rev. William Rutledge and Thomas James, Directors.

Dr. Gamble, who had been treasurer for six years was defeated by 12 majority.

RARE COLLECTION OF COINS. – Undoubtedly the rarest collection of silver and copper coins in the State, and perhaps in the entire Northwest, is owned by G. H. Collitis, Esq. of this city, the fruit of four years’ research and care. -  Iowa City Press.

Our contemporary is slightly mistaken about that collection of coins being the rarest in the State.  We claim to have the finest and rarest numismatic cabinet in Iowa.  Our coins, all silver, extend back to 550 B. C., when the die was simply a punch, and gave impression to but one side of the coin, thence extending up through Grecian and Roman coinage to the Christian Era, and branching off into the nations of Europe and Asia, including our own country, up to the present time.  We are most deficient in the coins of the United States, especially copper coinage, and if any one is possessed of coins which he would wish to dispose of, or add to our collection, where their historical value will be appreciated, we would be happy to obtain them; or if they have duplicates in collections, would be pleased to exchange.

KEROSENE OIL – PRICE REDUCED. – The best quality of Kerosene Oil for sale at 40 cents per gallon, by Dart & Sons, No. 2, Lesslie’s block, Front street.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Wednesday Morning, March 12, 1862, p. 1

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