
Sunday, August 21, 2011

Local Matters

SPRING cassimeres, cloths and vestings of the latest styles have just been received at No. 36 West Second street.  For desirable and seasonable goods call on R. Krause.

KEROSENE OIL – PRICE REDUCED. – The best quality of Kerosene Oil for sale at 40 cents per gallon, by Dart & Sons, No. 2, Lesslie’s block, Front street.

CITY POLITICS. – The Republican City Convention, it will be seen, is called for Saturday, the 29th inst.  Candidates for the city offices are multiplying and there will be plenty of buttonholing done between now and the nominating day.

DEAD. – We are sorry to hear that our friend, John Mabin, of the Muscatine Journal, has lost his wife.  She died on Wednesday last, at the early age of 23 years.  We tender him our warmest sympathies in his affliction.

HORSE EXCHANGE. – Mr. John Brown, not the man who unsettled Virginia, announces this morning that he is in the business of buying and selling horses, for the benefit of himself and the public.  See his card, and give him a call.

DR. WAGNER still continues to draw crowded houses, which the large audience at the concert didn’t seem to affect at all.  The examinations were as usual very accurate.  This evening, the subject will be – The nervous system, the causes which debilitate, and the means of strengthening it.  Admission, 10 cts.

A TEAM IN THE RIVER. – The ice on the river is becoming very weak; and near the other side a team got in yesterday.  The wagon turned over, and broke through, carrying with it the mules.  They were rescued and the wagon box got out, but seventy-one bushels of rye were lost.  A barricade was at once put on the Rock Island side, to prevent teams from going on the ice.  It is still considered safe for foot passengers, although at the place where the team broke through the ice is hardly two inches thick.

SORGHUM REFINING. – The experience of the past year has demonstrated that Iowa is capable of producing not only all the syrup she needs for her own use, but considerable surplus for exportation.  The question now is whether she shall send her syrup abroad for granification, and thus beside the expense of transportation, give one-fourth her crop to some Eastern city; or, by establishing refineries here, save that expense and loss.  Our State needs all the manufactories she can support, and every dollar that goes out for that purpose is subtracting from her own wealth to support foreign corporations.  A few thousand dollars invested in a manufactory in this city would not only keep a large sum in our State that would otherwise seek Chicago, but it would yield a handsome percentage on the investment.  The building and necessary machinery simply for refining sorghum syrup would cost but a small amount, and if that were found profitable, the requisite apparatus for converting it into sugar could be added.  At a convention recently held at Iowa City the preliminary steps were taken to establish a manufactory there.  If the citizens of our county do anything this season it is time they have begun to move, as it will require several months to get all things in readiness to convert the crude, raw syrup of the country into the fine, saccharine article that comes to us from the steam sugar refinery of W. H. Belcher, in Chicago.

DIPLOMAS: – Mr. C. Krum has obtained from Chicago the diplomas for the Scott County Agricultural Society, to be distributed at their next exhibition.  The plate is of very pretty design, the vignette depicting a home-like farm scene, and the side embellishments representing different farming machinery – the whole emblematical of industry, wealthy and comfort.  The diploma is intended to be used for manufactured articles, the exhibitors of which would much prefer something of this kind to serve as an advertisement of their wares.

CAMPBELL’S MINSTRELS. – This troupe gave a performance last evening to a good house, who were very much pleased with the exhibition.  The fun was delightful – regular button bursting fun.  The violin performances of Mr. Abbott is all it has been claimed to be and perhaps a little more; and the music generally was very good.  Mr. Price is one of the best “negro” delineators we have ever met.  They give another concert this evening with an entirely new programme, to which we commend the attention of all lovers of music and harmless gaiety.


At St. Anthony, Minn., on the 27th ult., CORA MAY, aged 1 year, 6 months and 15 days, daughter of E. D. and J. B. STANGEFIELD, formerly of Davenport.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Friday Morning, March 14, 1862, p. 1

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