
Monday, September 26, 2011

Antidote For Iron-clad Vessels

Some scientific genius of Buffalo thinks he can “settle” the Merrimac’s case.  The Express of that city tells about him and his specific, as follows:

A very worthy citizen of Buffalo, a scientific oil refiner, has conceived the idea of using “Titteute Oil,” in a certain chemical state, has a defence against their ponderous and destructive engines of war.  He proposes to arm the Federal vessels of war with a force pump and reservoir of oil, having sufficient power to throw the oil on to and over the roofing and side of the iron vessel, and setting fire to it, so as to produce a sheet of fire, entirely enveloping the vessel, causing such a degree of heat within as to burn or bake the officers and crew as readily as potatoes are baked in an oven. – At the same time the iron roof soon attains a read heat, perfectly easily penetrated by ordinary common shot.  In this manner the vessel and enemy are to be readily destroyed.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Thursday Morning, March 27, 1862, p. 2

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