
Thursday, September 1, 2011

The Battle of Pea Ridge

From a letter in the Chicago Tribune, dated Springfield, Mo., March 11, we clip the following:

On Friday the engagement became general, and continued so.  The most exposed position being occupied by Col. Carr’s division, the greatest loss was suffered by them.  Col. Dodge’s brigade, of this division, consists of the Fourth Iowa and First Iowa battery, the Thirty-fifth Illinois, Col. Phelps’s twenty-fourth [sic] Missouri, known as the “Lyon Legion.”  The second brigade commanded by Col Vandever, of the Ninth Iowa, consists of his own regiment, the Dubuque battery, and Col. Carr’s regiment of cavalry.

A letter from Col. Dodge says the losses in the 4th and 9th Iowa, the 35th Illinois and Phelps’ 25th Missouri are from 150 to 200 to each regiment killed and wounded.  The 12th and 17th Missouri, 3d Iowa Cavalry and the 8th Indiana lost about 40 men each.  The 1st and 2nd Iowa batteries lost about 20 each.

Among our wounded are Gen. Asboth, in the arm; Col. Carr, also in the arm; Lt. Col. Galligan of the 4th Iowa; and Lieut. Col. Herron and Major Coyle of the 9th Iowa.  Col. Dodge had three horses shot under him.

Lieut. Col. Herron was wounded in the foot and taken prisoner.

Major Black of the 37th Illinois, wounded in arm.

Lieut. Crittenden, Co. 3, 3d Iowa cavalry, severely wounded.

Major Coyle, 9th Iowa, in shoulder.

Lieut. Porcher, Co. H. 4th Iowa, severely wounded in thigh.

Color Sergeant Teale, 4th Iowa, shot in the arm.

Captain Burger, Co. H. 4th Iowa, wounded in the head.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Tuesday Morning, March 18, 1862, p. 1

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