
Friday, September 23, 2011

From Memphis

CHICAGO, March 26.

The Times’ special from Cairo says:  Advices from Memphis represent the city in great consternation from our progress down the Mississippi.  They don’t propose making a stand there if the upper forts are taken, and have given up burning the city.

Gov. Johnson has put the Nashville newspapers under military rule, and suppressed one or two.

Troops are still pouring in there; six or eight boat loads arrived Sunday last.

Johnson has done nothing except the issue of a proclamation of a conciliatory character, with which he desires to win the people back to the Union, but says that he will deal righteously with treason.

Etheridge made a speech in which he brought in the negro question, and said that slavery would be abolished if they could be conquered in no other way.

The new government was to go into operation this week, and warning was given that any one uttering treason would be arrested.  The union feeling is gaining ground but the secesh are as bitter as ever.  The rebel pickets hang about our outposts and many skirmishes occur.

The guerilla Morgan, who captured the Louisville train, came into the city in disguise, and was recognized.  The city hotel was surrounded and searched, but he had escaped.  He has many accomplices in the city, and is regarded as a bold and dangerous man.  He came in once driving a farmer’s team.

The Louisville RR is repaired, and trains are again running, and will now be well guarded.

Business in Nashville is pretty much resumed.  All the stores are open, and many army sutlers are trading.  Prices are much reduced.

Nothing from Island No. 10 since last night.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Thursday Morning, March 27, 1862, p. 1

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