
Thursday, September 29, 2011

From the South

FT. MONROE, March 26.

Contrabands state that the rebel steamer Merrimac, having been fully repaired, was brought out of the dry dock on Monday morning, and her crew placed on board, and she was ready for action.  Several new guns, of heaver metal than she used before have been placed on board of her.

The rebel steamers Jamestown and Yorktown have also been greatly strengthened and were fully prepared for action, and ready to accompany the Merrimac.  The flag of the Yorktown, with a Commodore’s pennant, was flying when the contrabands left.

Three deserters arrived here to-day in a boat, from the south side of James river.  They belonged to a North Carolina regiment, and report that the Merrimac has been daily expected to come out and attack the Monitor, for the past three days.  The Jamestown made a reconnaissance to-day, coming down some distance below Craney Island.

The deserters represent that there was a great panic among the rank and file of the army on account of the rumors of Federal victories.  The Newspapers are carefully kept from the rebel soldiers.  They have been so often imposed upon by false statements of rebel victories that they are much dissatisfied.  The deserters say during the excitement that prevailed in Norfolk immediately after the fall of Roanoke, that if a demand had been made upon Gen. Huger he would have capitulated.

A flag of truce went to Norfolk.  No news or papers were brought back.  A bundle of letters from the Union prisoners at Richmond was received, and also a dispatch from Gen. Huger to Gen. Wool.

The steamer Constitution arrived from Ship Island last night.  She sailed from there on the 15th inst.  Porter’s mortar fleet sailed from there the previous day for the Southwest Pass.

On the 17th inst. Com. Farragut’s fleet of sloops of war and gunboats were to sail for the same destination.

The French steamer Catinet arrived yesterday p. m. from Havana.

The Gassendi has taken its position within 200 yards of the Monitor.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Friday Morning, March 28, 1862, p. 1

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