
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Gen. A. C. Dodge

Alluding to the promotion of Col. D. M. Dodge is suggestive of the fact that Iowa once possessed a Gen. A. C. Dodge.  Yes General was his title, a sobriquet it may have been, a misnomer certainly, while Augustus Caesar was the baptismal appellation that was prophetically conferred upon him by his godfather and his patronymic, Dodge, which we were wont to consider also somewhat predictive, all combined formed the pseudonymous cognomen of an individual upon whom more honors have been lavished upon by the state of Iowa than upon any half dozen men – the traitor Jones excepted – that ever trod her soil, and without so far as we know, owning a foot of the ground he called his own.  The name of our gallant Colonel reminds us of the other Dodge, and as he so long represented our State in her prosperity, basked upon her smiles and fattened at her expense at the public crib, we are bold to ask, where now in her necessity is the chivalrous Gen. Dodge?  During all this campaign we have not seen so much as heard his name whispered in connection with military matters, so that we must fain believe [sic] he has gone to the tomb of the Capulets – in modern phraseology, pegged out.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Thursday Morning, March 27, 1862, p. 2

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