
Thursday, September 22, 2011

Southern News

FORT MONROE, March 25.

The U. S. steamer Cambridge arrived here this morning, form the blockade of Beaufort, having left there on Sunday evening last.

The rebel steamer Nashville escaped from the harbor of Beaufort on Tuesday night, 18th inst., having run the blockade.

The only U. S. vessels at the place were the steamer Cambridge and the bark Gemsbok.  The blockading vessels had news of the capture of Newbern, and were on the look out for the Nashville, but they were not numerous enough to prevent her escape.  The Gemsbok just saw the Nashville, and immediately telegraphed to the Cambridge that she was coming out.  The Cambridge followed the Nashville and fired a number of shots at her with the hope of getting her into a fight, but the superior speed of the Nashville soon put her at a safe distance.  Two of the shots from the Cambridge were supposed to have stuck the Nashville.

The bark Glenn, which has been blockaded in the harbor of Beaufort for some time, was set on fire by the rebels on Sunday, and was still burning when the Cambridge left.  The Glenn was supposed to be fitting out as a privateer.

The burning of this vessel was doubtless preparatory to an evacuation of the place.

Fort Macon had not been blown up by the rebels at the last accounts.

The bark Gembsok and the steamer State of Ga. were left at the station by the Cambridge.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Thursday Morning, March 27, 1862, p. 1

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