
Friday, September 30, 2011

Southern News

CHICAGO, March 27.

The Nashville Patriot, of the 21st, received last night, has late Southern news.  It says that Mr. Yancey has arrived in New Orleans, on his return from Europe.  In response to the wishes of the people of the city he made them a speech.  We learn from a gent who saw a report in the New Orleans Picayune, that he gave an unfavorable account of his mission abroad, and he cand[id]ly admitted that the Confederate States had nothing to hope for from European sympathizers.  He advised the punishment of Great Britain by means of putting a period to the cultivation of cotton.

The New Orleans Crescent, of the 10th inst., states that a couple of powder mills on the opposite side of the river were blown up on the 9th, killing five workmen, and seriously injuring a soldier near by.  The loss in property was principally machinery and about 3,000 pounds of powder, being all the stock of that article on hand.

A letter from Huntsville to the N. O. Picayune, of the 12th inst., giving an account of operations subsequent to the fall of Donelson, says the provisional government of Kentucky is with Gen. Crittenden’s Brigade, the capital of Kentucky being located in a Sibley tent, near the headquarters of that General.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Friday Morning, March 28, 1862, p. 1

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