
Friday, September 16, 2011

XXXVIIth Congress -- First Session


SENATE. – Mr. TenEyck presented a joint resolution from the legislature of New Jersey asking Congress to take immediate action for the defense of the coast of New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Delaware, and resolving that the several States loan Government funds for this purpose.

Mr. Powell presented resolutions from the Legislature of Kentucky, relating to the tax on tobacco, asking that it be reduced.  Referred.

Mr. Sherman of Ohio, presented resolutions from the Legislature of Ohio against any proposition for a settlement of the rebellion, except on unconditional surrender and a condign punishment of the traitors.  Referred.

Mr. Morrill presented resolutions from the Legislature of Maine, endorsing the Administration and in favor of the confiscation of the property of rebels.  Referred.

Mr. Pomeroy introduced a bill from the removal and consolidation of the Indian tribes.  Referred.

On Motion of Mr. Trumbull, the joint resolution in regard to affording aid to the States in favor of emancipation was taken up.

Mr. Saulsbury said this was a most extraordinary resolution in its purpose and, in the source from whence it came.  It was mischievous in its tendency, and he was not sure it was at all patriotic in design.  It was ignoring all the principles, he thought, of the party in power.  It was an interference with the subject of slavery in the States.  It was an attempt to raise a controversy in those States.  None of the slave holding States asked aid.  He believed that the President, had this thing in contemplation for some time.  The Legislature of his State (Delaware) had been in session and a printed bill had found its way there, offering Delaware $800,000 for the emancipation of her slaves, and the legislature rejected it.  The object of this bill is simply to renew and intensify the agitation of the slavery question in the Border States, and to raise an abolition party there.  He would like some member of the judiciary committee to show him any authority in the constitution for thus applying money to the States.  This bill presents the view of the government going into the wholesale negro trading business.  The State of Delaware will never accept of the bill, but the true Union people of that State will go before the people upon it, and there will not be a vestige of the Republican party left.

Mr. Davis offered an amendment as a substitute for the resolution as follows:

Resolved, That although the subject of slavery in the States is exclusively in the jurisdiction and cognizance of the government and people of the States, and cannot be interfered with directly or indirectly by the government of the United States, yet when any of these States or people may determine to emancipate their slaves, the United States shall pay a reasonable price for the slaves so emancipated and the cost of colonizing them in some other country.

Pending the consideration of the resolution, the morning hour expired, and the bill for the abolition of slavery in the District of Columbia was taken up.

The question was upon the amendment offered by Mr. Doolittle to Mr. Davis’ amendment, for colonization, namely, that only such persons shall be colonized as desire it, at a cost not exceeding $100 per head.

Morrill and King explained that they should vote against the amendment, as they preferred the bill as it was.  The question was then taken on Mr. Davis’ amendment, with the following result: yeas 19, including Harlan; nays 19, including Grimes.  This being a tie vote the Vice President voted in the negative.  Mr. Davis made a speech against the bill.  Executive session.  Adjourned.

HOUSE. – Mr. Blair, of Va., presented the certificate of Election of Job. Segur a representative from the first district of that State.

Mr. Bingham said: No election in the exact form of law could have been held on the day stated, namely the 15th inst.  The election was extemporized.  He moved to refer the papers to the committee on elections.  The papers were referred.

Mr. Dunn offered a resolution, which was adopted, instructing the ways and means committee to inquire into the expedience of organizing a large force of miners, with the necessary machinery, to proceed to the gold mines of the West, and work the same for the benefit of the Government, as a means of defraying the expense of the war.

Mr. Holman offered a resolution, which was adopted, requesting the Secretary of War to inform the House why he has not responded to the resolution of last December, calling for a list of paymasters and division paymasters; and that he now be directed to furnish the same, and to what extent they can be dispensed with.

Mr. Rice, of Mass., submitted a resolution, which was referred, authorizing the Secretary of the Navy to expend a sun not exceeding $50,000, for the purpose of testing the plans for rendering ships and floating batteries invulnerable.

Mr. Anthony introduced a resolution requesting the Secretary of War to inform the House of the cause, if any, of the protracted delay in the release of Col. Corcoran, prisoner of war since July; and that the secretary be directed and requested to stop all exchange of prisoners until Col. Corcoran be released.  Laid over.

Mr. Wickliffe introduced a bill to provide funds in part to pay the interest and principal on the public debt.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Tuesday Morning, March 25, 1862, p. 1

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