
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

(For the Gazette.)

At A special meeting of the Directors of the Oakdale Cemetery Company, held April 1st, on motion of H. Price, Esq., a resolution was passed to appropriate circle No. 2 in Oakdale Cemetery for a military burying ground of the soldiers of Scott county, Iowa, fallen in battle, and the Cemetery Company subscribe twenty-five dollars towards the payment of said ground.

It was also resolved that suitable ground be donated to Mrs. Rebecca Wentz for the interment of her husband, Lt. Col. Wentz, on which an appropriate monument is to be forthwith erected.

Subscriptions towards the purchase of the ground and the erection of a monument on Circle No. 2, have already been made to the amount of over one hundred dollars, and it is hoped by the liberality of citizens of this city and county sufficient may be raised to erect a suitable monument to adorn the spot selected for the final resting place of the patriotic dead.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Wednesday Morning, April 2, 1862, p. 1

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