
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Foreign News

PORTLAND, March 31.

The Jura from Liverpool, 20th, and Londonderry the 21st, arrived here at 6 p. m.


President Lincoln’s emancipation message had attracted much attention in England.

The Liverpool Post says there can be no doubt, it will have an incalculable effect in Europe, and that effect will be most favorable to the Northern cause.

A London paper in an editorial on the subject, says it is the most important news since the split.  The President’s avowed object is to recover to the Union the Border States.  The position is important, not for its intrinsic likelihood of acceptance, but simply because it is a proposition, and is the first bid made towards putting an end to the war.  The North may gradually rise in its offers until something acceptable has been put forth.  The only reply of the south to President Lincoln has been a resolution of the Confederate House of Representatives, to burn all the cotton and tobacco that may be in danger of falling into the hands of the invaders.  In every point of view the proposal of the president gives great scope for speculation and perhaps some glimpse of hope, but it is for what it may herald, and not for what it is.

Russell’s correspondence of the Times is again dated at Washington, and comes down to March 3d.  He says the weather has prevented Gen. McClellan from advancing.  He praises the constancy and tenacity of the Confederacy.  He says the Northern troops were getting weary of war and clamorous for furloughs.

Gibraltar advices of the 14th, says the Federal vessels Tuscarora, John and [Kearsarge] were at Algiers.

The Lieutenant of the Sumter, and ex-U. S. Consul at Cadiz, who were arrested at Tangiers, were transferred from the John to the Harvest Home, bound for Boston.  It is said they were put in irons.

At a general meeting of the Atlantic Telegraphic Company held in London on the 19th.  The directors report was adopted.  Hopeful views were entertained.

The Marine statistics show that in 5 months ending January 31st, about 36 vessels from America for England laden with flour and grain, were lost.  The total cargoes exceeded 700,000 bushels.


Additional troops were being sent to Mexico and a new brigade was to leave Toulon on the following week.


Great precautions were being taken by the Vepitian frontiers.  The advance posts had been doubled and the garrisons augmented.  Troops had been posted along the line of the river Po.


All the cannon of the insurgents have fallen into the hands of the Royal troops.

A small garrison at Syria was captured and order restored at that place.

The insurgents at Nauplia asked for an amnesty and an armistice for 24 hours, which was granted.


The Pope has been ill the past week.  His strength has been much prostrated and he has suspended his audiences.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Wednesday Morning, April 2, 1862, p. 1

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