
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

From St. Louis

ST. LOUIS, March 31.

Dispatches received at headquarters say that on the night of the 26th, between 500 and 800 rebels attacked the four cos. Of the State Militia at Humonsville, Polk Co., and after a sharp fight they were defeated, with a loss of 15 killed and a large number wounded.  The Federals had several wounded, but none killed.

Nothing important from the Tennessee River.  It is expected that active operations will not commence till the arrival of Buell’s army, unless our forces are attacked by Beauregard.

Information has been received at headquarters that a detachment of the 1st Illinois cavalry, under Capt. Thompson, over took a guerilla band under Col. Parker, on the night of the 28th about 10 miles west of Warrensburg.  15 rebels were killed, and 25 taken prisoners.  Among the latter is Col. Parker and Capt. Walton.  Our loss was 2 killed and several wounded.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Tuesday Morning, April 1, 1862, p. 1

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