
Saturday, October 15, 2011

Iowa Items

The Muscatine Journal says that Mr. Schwarz, a resident of that city, recently stopped at a house in Appanoose Co., and while there, two or three men in federal uniform came in, and asked Mr. Schwarz to lend them a horse for the next day.  Mr. S. couldn’t see the propriety of doing so, as the fellows had horses of their own.  They then tried to bully him into consenting to it, but failing in that they left swearing vengeance.  Mr. Schwarz says that a great deal of plundering is going on in this manner on the border.  Active measures should be taken by the authorities to ferret out and punish the perpetrators.

THIRD REGIMENT. – Some four or five Captains of this regiment have recently resigned – reason given – the continual bickering among the field officers.

Hardin County has been turning out some natural curiosities lately, a cow up there recently gave birth to a double-headed calf, each head complete except in the ears, at which point the two heads united.  Both cow and calf are dead.  Another calf was born with his hoofs immediately below the knee-joints, while in all other respects the animal is perfect; and it is alive and doing well.

A gentleman hailing from the Buckeye State was diddled out of fifty dollars recently on the Burlington and Missouri R. R. R.  He had taken his seat in the cars, the grain being about to start, when a stranger, having ten hundred dollar treasury notes in his hand, borrowed fifty dollars of him to make change, wishing to pay a bill just presented.  The stranger and the fifty dollars went off together and our Buckeye friend has not been able to find either.

The House of Representatives has passed a bill requiring the Board of Supervisors to publish the laws enacted by the legislature in at least one paper in each county – that having the largest circulation.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Monday Morning, March 31, 1862, p. 2

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