
Saturday, October 29, 2011

Local Matters

R. KRAUSE, Agent for Scott’s Reports of Fashions.

THE City Council will hold its regular monthly meeting this afternoon, the last before the election.

THIRD WARD MEETING. – Republicans of the third ward will please not forget their meeting this evening, to nominate a candidate for Alderman.

WALL PAPER. – Persons repairing old houses and papering new ones, will do well to call and examine those elegant new styles of wall paper just received by Geo. W. Ells & Co.

THE TOP-MAST of the flag-staff in Rock Island fell to the ground while it was being lowered to rig a new set of halyards, burying the lower end quite deep in the ground.  Two persons were on the cross-trees lowering the mast, and had a narrow escape from injury.

BOAT SUNK. – The steamer Minnesota Bell sunk in the Illinois river, loosing her entire cargo.  We learn from Der Democrat that Mr. A. Steffen, of this city, had 1,700 bushels of barley on her, which fortunately, however was insured.

JUST received by express, a splendid assortment of stella shawls, dress goods, table linens, veil tissues, barrages, silk warp, mohair dress goods.  Call and examine for yourselves at Wadsworth’s, No. 29. West 2d street.

NO DISPATCHES LAST NIGHT. – Owing to the extensive moistness of the atmosphere, there were no dispatches received last evening; but, as it is now a whole week since we had a similar interruption before, we are not disposed to complain.

FIRST WARD. – as some dissatisfaction has been expressed in regard to the informality of the call for the Republican meeting to nominate an Alderman in the First Ward, the Secretary has issued a formal call.  We apprehend no difficulty in the matter, but hope for greater harmonization among the Republicans of that ward.

DOGS AGAIN. – It appears Congress has taken up the case of the dogs, the committee of the whole in the House having voted a tax of one dollar apiece on dogs.  This is piling up the items heavily on the poor quadrupeds.  One dollar for the Federal, State and city taxes each, makes three dollars apiece for the dogs.  We surmise the burden will fearfully increase the mortality bills of the canine tribe.

THE BLOODY SIXTH. – By referring to an other part of our paper it will be seen that the Sixth Ward Republicans are once more in a state of unanimity.  They had, as usual, a large meeting on Monday evening, but never a row.  They had a spirit of keen competition afloat, but no ill blood.  After a couple of trials, Mr. Whitaker was nominated as the candidate for Alderman, being only two votes in advance of his competitor, Mr. Pester.  The latter, true Republican as he is, cut the Gordian knot of appearing difficulty, by moving that Mr. Whitaker should be unanimously declared the nominee of the meeting.  It was done, and the meeting to a man gave Pester three cheers – they couldn’t help it.  Mr. Pester at this moment stands higher in the estimation of his friends and neighbors than ever before, and his manly course will be remembered.  His example we commend to others who meet with political disappointment.  Respecting these matters the public are quick to judge persons rightly, and ‘kicking in the traces’ is hardly ever regarded in the end as being beneficial to the interests of public men.  The ‘bloody Sixth’ no more!  Harmony is in the ascendant among our heretofore belligerent friends.  All we ask now, is, that Mr. Whitaker shall be handsomely elected Saturday next.

ADVERTISING. – “Jack Plane,” writing to the Argus from the lower part of Rock Island county very neatly satirizes the negligence of Rock Island merchants in not advertising and letting people in the country know what they’ve got.  He says he doesn’t know from the papers that there is anything they want in Rock Island, while he does know from the Muscatine Journal that that city has the needed articles; hence he and his brother, who is in the same fix, do their trading at the latter city.  He concludes thus:–

            “No, Mr. Editor, we, down here, always know that we want to buy before we start to town after it, and are not very fond of hunting for uncertainties.  We always go where we know we can find the articles without hunting.  I would like to see you, for old acquaintance sake, but can’t go to town on a visit; but if you had any business men there, so I could trade and visit both in one day, I would be in town before long.  However, I will look in the papers every week, to see if any man has anything to sell in Rock Island.”

Wonder if any body in our goodly city has ever lost money in the same way?  It would probably pay for some of our merchants to investigate the problem.

INCINDIARISM. – An unsuccessful attempt was made Saturday night to fire the Farmer’s Inn in Rock Island.  The house was not occupied, but the flames were soon discovered and extinguished.

CHANGES. – Mr. Dougherty has removed his grocery store to Fifth Street near Harrison.  The room he formerly occupied adjoining Washburn’s hardware store, is to be used by the latter gentleman for his store.


Last evening, in the 30th year of her age, JANE E., wife of JOSEPH SHIELDS and daughter of Mrs. Holmes.

Notice of the funeral will be given hereafter.

In this city, April 1st, LYDIA LEE, aged 1 year and 8 months, daughter of GEO. H. FRENCH, Esq.

Funeral this (Wednesday) afternoon, at half past three o’clock, corner of Ripley and Sixth streets.



The regular meeting of the republicans of the First Ward, for the purpose of nominating an alderman to be supported at the city election, will be held on Thursday, the 3d inst., at 5 o’clock, p. m., at Lettig’s brewery.  A full attendance is requested.

GEO. G. ARNDT, Sec’y.


The Republicans of the Third Ward, city of Davenport, are hereby requested to meet in caucus at the Court House, on Wednesday evening, April 2d, 1862, at 7 ½ o’clock, for the purpose of nominating a candidate for alderman, to be supported at the ensuing city election.  By order of

Third Ward Committee.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Wednesday Morning, April 2, 1862, p. 1

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