
Friday, October 21, 2011

NEW YORK, Feb. 6 [1862].

Private advices from Kansas state that Gen. Lane was there about the 1st inst., and announced that he had not accepted his commission as Brigadier General, and that he visited that State only as a member of the Senate Military Committee.  He declined to assume any military character, but maintained the most friendly relations with Gen. Hunter, between whom and himself there is no practical difference of sentiment with regard to the relations of slavery and the war.

The report that Gen. Scott is going to Key West, is erroneous.  He did intend to go for the benefit of his health, and the Government offered him a passage on board the Richmond, but the preparation of the vessel was delayed till the season was too far spent, and he has now resolved not to make the voyage.

Gordon, the slaver, was notified yesterday that a respite was granted, by which his execution is postponed from to-morrow till the 21st inst.

– Published in The Dubuque Herald, Dubuque, Iowa, Friday Morning, February 7, 1862, p. 1

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