
Thursday, October 13, 2011

Read what the Chicago Tribune thinks of the financiers of Congress.

It says:

The committee of Ways and Means seem to lack the brains to perceive those clear, obvious and common sense propositions, or the patriotism and moral courage to reduce them to practice.  They are keen to tax the issues of newspaper publishers sixteen to twenty per cent., on the pretense of raising revenue, but really for the purpose of stabbing the press of the country to the heart; but they are blind to the benefits that would accrue to the National Treasury and the public at large, from a tax half as heavy on the issues of the “debt factories” that are absorbing the very credit for the want of which the Government is on the eve of bankruptcy.  Oh, wise statesmen!  Oh, profound political financiers!

The Tribune is quite right and sound on the money question, which is a good offset to its Abolition proclivities.

– Published in The Dubuque Herald, Dubuque, Iowa, Friday Morning, February 7, 1862, p. 1

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