
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Special Dispatch to the Chicago Tribune

WASHINGTON, Feb. 5. – It is still believed that Mr. Spaulding’s Treasury Note bill, with the legal tender clause included will, merely on the grounds of supposed necessity, secure a majority of both Houses.  Were the Treasury less barren of funds, the measure would be more doubtful.  Strong opposition was developed yesterday.  The committee are four to one on the question of submitting Morrill’s proposition.

Senator Simmons will soon bring forward a project for a National Savings Bank and government fiscal agency, originated by him, as an improvement upon the old United States Bank and Webster’s Exchequer plan.

A bill is maturing authorizing the President to appoint a Lieutenant General from regular or volunteer officers, designed to put somebody over Gen. McClellan.

Young naval officers complain of the delay in retiring the senior under the bill lately passed, and of the consequent delay in making promotions.

It is suspected that the frigate Richmond will carry Gen. Scott to Vera Cruz, as a semi official Commissioner to the allies and the Mexican Government.

A track has been laid across Long Bridge, thus completing the road connecting between this city and Alexandria.  Trains now pass over the bridge regularly.

It is said that the changed treatment of privateersmen is Stanton’s work, contemporaneous with the sending of Commissioners South.

Letters from Cairo say that everything connected with the flotilla is working will, and that  new spirit has been infused since the President himself took hold.

– Published in The Dubuque Herald, Dubuque, Iowa, Friday Morning, February 7, 1862, p. 1

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