
Friday, October 14, 2011

The Times And The Paper Makers

The Trenton (N. J.) True American says that all the paper mills in that city have suspended operations, simply because they cannot get cash for the manufactured article; and in such times as these no reliance can be placed on men’s promises to pay.  Large sums of money have already been lost by our paper makers by the failure of the New York houses, and they do not feel like risking any more.  We had four paper mills in this city, all doing a very prosperous business a year ago. – Exchange Paper.

We wish that one or more of these paper makers would come out west, where they are so scarce that all the paper used in this region is made a good distance from here.

– Published in The Dubuque Herald, Dubuque, Iowa, Friday Morning, February 7, 1862, p. 1

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