
Sunday, October 30, 2011

Wendell Phillips

The speech of this intelligent gentleman at Chicago was a success.  A large and appreciative audience listened attentively to his sublime utterances without an attempt to disturb him.  The following brief extract from a synopsis contained in the Tribune, gives Mr. Phillip’s present policy:

Now, therefore, my policy is, that before Fremont of Sigel cross the Potomac, they write upon their banners “Emancipation” – [Great applause] and that the Government declare also that if there be found a loyal man in the South who has loved the Union, even in the secrecy of his own heart – and I would shut my eyes to any extreme scrutiny of his politics – as we have been partners in his guilt we will be partners in his loss.  We will save him as an abolitionist.  If I had gone to him asking him to give up his slaves, or if the Government frees his slaves, I would say that the individual should suffer no loss.  Now what would be the result of my policy?  It would be this: the slave would love me; I have given him his liberty.

Abraham Lincoln said in Washington, the other day, “the Negro who as once touched the hem of the Government’s garment shall never again be a slave.”  [long continued cheering]

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Wednesday Morning, April 2, 1862, p. 2

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